Day 01

Take This Quiz to Find Out Your Philanthropic Personality + Enter Giveaway!

It’s important for philanthropists to understand what motivates them to give so they can adopt the most effective giving techniques. Take this quiz to find out your philanthropic personality and you’ll be entered in our giveaway for a Tisbest gift card!


For more information on the 7 types of philanthropists, head to our blog that gives a short explanation of each one!

Did You Complete Today’s Challenge? Let Us Know and We’ll Donate!

We’re donating for every challenge you complete! To let us know you’ve taken today’s quiz, head to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter to like, comment and share our post for that day or let us know by emailing us!

Don’t forget to follow us on social to stay up to date on new challenges and opportunities to support veterans!

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