Day 16

The Perfect Gift for Anyone on Your List

It’s no secret that giving makes people happier. In fact, a survey of 632 Americans found that spending money on other people is associated with significantly greater happiness.

This holiday season, we’re challenging you to share this happiness with someone by giving them the gift of giving. We’re sharing a few ideas to get you started. There are many different approaches to giving someone the gift of giving, and today we’re challenging you to try one of these!

Charity Gift Cards

It can’t get any easier than this! With sites like CharityChoice and TisBest, you can buy gift cards online that your recipients can apply to charities of their choice from vetted lists.

Make a Game of It

Initiate a “giving game” in which you gift a group of friends or family members a sum of money they can spend however they want, as long as it goes to help others…and as long as they decide as a group which cause (or causes) to support.

Organize a Service Project

More often than not, friends or family may express interest in community service but never get around to actually doing it. So take charge and organize an outing for them (and you) to spend time together helping others.

Host a Fundraiser

It’s a tried-and-true method – and a lot of fun. If you throw a great event, people will come – especially if a substantial portion of their admission fee will go to charity. Get creative with your planning – it can be educational, entertaining or both. Anything from lectures and workshops to concerts and galas to tournaments and showcases can help you get the word out and encourage participation. The more interesting the event, the bigger the crowd it’ll draw.


Did You Try One Of These Activities? Let Us Know and We’ll Donate!

We’re donating every time you complete a challenge! To let us know you’ve completed the challenge, head to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter to like, comment and/or share our post for that day or let us know by emailing us !

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