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In this issue of our Foundation Friday series, we’re dimming the lights and putting the spotlight on The Zain Jaffer Foundation, which was founded to address pressing global challenges like climate change and poverty. This Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness for underrepresented causes while supporting direct initiatives that drive real change in communities worldwide. Journey with us as we go behind-the-scenes with Founder Zain Jaffer who turned his passion for video technology into action to support important and imperative film and documentary programs that tackle urgent global issues for a worldwide audience. Through funding and mentorship, the foundation is designed to bring more of those projects to the big screen.

About Your Philanthropy

What inspired you to start your foundation?
Growing up in a family that struggled financially, I saw firsthand the challenges that come with limited resources. Those early experiences instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility to give back when I had the means to do so. Even then, I already had this drive to help others, whether it was through charity work in the Philippines as a student, volunteering as a police officer in the UK, or setting up student organizations at university. The Zain Jaffer Foundation is a natural extension of that lifelong desire to make a difference. After the successful exit from my former startup, I realized I finally had the resources to make this bigger commitment. So, the Foundation has become a vehicle to turn my passion for helping others into tangible actions. And I’m really grateful I get to pay my success forward in a way that feels true to who I am.

What causes are you most passionate about?
The Zain Jaffer Foundation’s biggest commitment is to champion underserved communities and give a voice to those who are often overlooked. Having had the support and opportunities that helped me thrive as a young entrepreneur, I feel a strong responsibility to pay it forward. Through the Foundation, we focus on improving access to clean water, education, and safe environments for those who, like me, have to overcome significant obstacles. I also care deeply about the world my children will inherit, which is why we’re dedicated to supporting climate change and environmental causes. Ensuring a sustainable future isn’t just a responsibility—it’s a promise I want to keep for them and their generation’s young minds that are full of potential.

What projects/initiatives are you excited about currently?
I’m particularly excited about Under The Open Sky, an upcoming documentary for which the Zain Jaffer Foundation is associate producer. It’s a docu-film about pastoralist communities in Kutch, India. This project is especially meaningful because Kutch is actually where my family originally hails from—it’s my heritage town. So I see this as a unique opportunity to pay homage to my roots.

It’s also been some time since we last supported a full-length documentary. There’s a special excitement in watching a film like this unfold, knowing it has the potential to raise awareness, spark conversations, and make a positive impact on the featured community, just as previous documentaries we’ve supported, like The Weight of Water, have done.

Can you tell us about a time when you were able to see the impact of your giving?
One big success we had this year was our first joint project with Waves for Water Philippines. We did a water filter donation drive in a remote barangay in the province of Rizal in the Philippines. This was the first time I truly saw the real, direct human impact of our grant-making. We’ve supported various charities and organizations in the past, but this felt different — our team was physically there, interacting with the actual people, especially women and children, who were benefiting from our initiative. Seeing their gratitude and knowing that we were making a tangible difference reaffirmed our commitment to partnering with smaller, grassroots organizations. These groups are often on the front lines, working directly with communities that need our support the most, and that’s where we know we can make a real and lasting impact.

What would you want other philanthropists to know about your work?
I’d tell other philanthropists that our work is driven by a deep sense of responsibility and urgency. We don’t shy away from tough issues, and we aim to support projects that might not get attention otherwise. I think it’s important to stay connected to the causes you care about and to look for innovative ways to make an impact, whether that’s through a film, a partnership, or direct action on the ground.

About Your Foundation

How do you engage your family in your foundation?
The Foundation is deeply connected to my and my family’s personal stories and passions. For example, we support documentaries and video-based initiatives because my connection with the video format runs deep. It’s video technology that helped me become successful, through my previous company, and has enabled me to do philanthropic work.

My wife is also involved in exploring and championing causes that resonate with us; she was instrumental in our support for Moms Against Poverty. Another cause we want to raise awareness for is celiac disease, and that’s because it’s something close to our hearts due to her personal experience with the illness.

With my children, even though they’re still young, I strive to involve them in our work by teaching them about empathy and the importance of giving back. I share with them the causes our Foundation supports and encourage them to think about how they can contribute, fostering a sense of connection to the issues that matter to our family.

What is one long-term goal for your foundation?
One of our most exciting long-term goals is to build an in-house documentation team that can work closely with smaller organizations. In our experience, small cause-oriented groups often lack the resources to document and communicate their stories effectively. We hope to be a Foundation that can help them with that. And this is something we feel not many nonprofits or grantmakers do. The vision is to provide pro-bono support and expertise to highlight their work and impact, whether it’s by creating video content for their website, filming their projects or events, or even producing full-length documentaries for them. We’re pushing the Zain Jaffer Foundation to grow so we’d be capable of giving smaller organizations a voice they might not otherwise have, and help more worthy stories reach a wider audience.

Do you have any advice for people looking to start or grow their own private foundation?
Start with your passion and let that guide you. Philanthropy isn’t just about writing checks—it’s about being hands-on and truly caring about the issues you’re tackling. Surround yourself with people who share your vision, and don’t be afraid to take risks. The most impactful work often comes from stepping out of your comfort zone and addressing the problems others might overlook.

Working with Foundation Source

How does Foundation Source help you achieve your goals?
Foundation Source has really become more of a partner than just a service for us. We want to evolve the Zain Jaffer Foundation from merely donating to charity into taking a more active role and initiating unique projects of our own. However, the compliance and regulations around philanthropy can be complicated. That’s where Foundation Source has been invaluable. They’ve guided us through what’s allowed and what isn’t, especially now that we’re exploring more ambitious goals like building an in-house documentation team. Their consultancy is crucial in ensuring we’re making informed decisions, and they help us make sure we’re doing things the right way. We’ve built a relationship where they’re the first ones we talk to when planning our next steps.

How was the process of getting your private foundation set up or transitioned to Foundation Source?
The process was incredibly seamless and easy. The Zain Jaffer Foundation is my very first foray into formal philanthropic work, so it was all a new experience for me when I started. After my exit, I knew for sure that I wanted to set aside some funds for charitable causes, but I didn’t have much background about the process at all. Fortunately, trusted partners recommended Foundation Source. They took care of all the behind-the-scenes work and handled the administrative details for compliance. It was reassuring to have such a smooth transition and to know that the technicalities were in capable hands.

We are proud to support the work of The Zain Jaffer Foundation and thank them for sharing their story with us! To learn more, visit their website.

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