Day 20

Giving for The Thousandaire: Give Your Time, Talent, & Treasure

Philanthropy isn’t just for billionaires and millionaires. Take Millennials, the largest generation and the largest segment of today’s workforce – they value social responsibility and express it clearly in the decisions they make with their money. It informs the brands they buy, the investments they make and the causes they support with small but regular contributions.

Give with Time, Talent or Treasure

Whether you give for the short or long term, remember the three Ts: time, talent and treasure.  All individuals are capable of uniquely sharing with others and may do so in a variety of ways: by volunteering time to others (e.g., helping at a homeless shelter or library); by using talents to help others (e.g., a doctor volunteering at a local medical clinic); and by sharing treasures (e.g., money, assets, loans) with others.

Today, we’re challenging you to think about how you can give your time, talent and treasure.


If you want more giving tips for any budget, check out this article  that offers ideas and insights for donors at all levels.

Did You Complete Today’s Challenge? Let Us Know and We’ll Donate!

We’re donating for every challenge you complete! To let us know you’ve planned something new for 2023, head to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter to like, comment and share our post for that day or let us know by emailing us!

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