Every time your foundation makes a grant, reimburses a board member’s expense, or disburses funds to pay taxes and fees, you generate paperwork and possibly expose the foundation to compliance violations. That’s because every transaction necessitates careful documentation, compliance oversight, and issuance of payment.
If you’ve been trying to manage your transactions with spreadsheets and boxes of paper receipts, we’ve got a better alternative:
Impactfully is our award-winning, web-based technology platform created from the ground up for the unique needs of private foundations. It makes it simple to transact foundation business and track activity, and every single transaction you initiate is automatically run through our comprehensive compliance checks. Our active compliance oversight flags anything that will likely violate IRS regulations for self-dealing, jeopardizing investments, taxable expenditures, excess business holdings, and more, preventing costly and embarrassing compliance violations.
Tailored to Meet Your Processes and Preferences
If your foundation already has an established review and approval process for grants and expense, we can tailor Impactfully to reflect it. Tell us how your foundation works, and your transactions will automatically be routed through your preferred process.