Mary Ann Stover
Sr. Vice President of Foundation Solutions
I’m a wife and mom of two sons
You can say I’m gaga about dogs
I’m a nature and science geek
I’m going to Greece in June
I’m a pickleball junkie

Today is a bittersweet day for our team as we celebrate and honor our Sr. Vice President of Foundation Solutions Mary Ann Stover who is retiring from Foundation Source after 18 years. During her time with us, Mary Ann has held many leadership roles and made numerous contributions to the firm. Her experience, insight and institutional knowledge is unmatched and has helped strengthen our company’s position as a leader and expert in philanthropic solutions. But before we bid her adieu, we’re passing the mic to her one last time to share her unique perspective—including what she’s excited about for the company’s future.
What will you miss most about Foundation Source?
It has been gratifying every day of my 18 years at Foundation Source to know we are helping people to define and carry out their philanthropy. It now sounds like a cliché to say we’re a company that empowers change through philanthropy, yet that’s what we’ve been about before it became a tagline or sound bite. So, I will miss this mission, especially my colleagues and our shared commitment.
What’s your favorite Foundation Source memory?
I started at Foundation Source in its early days. My youngest son was just eight months old. The company and my son grew up together. My favorite memories relate to the journey of finding a balance and interconnectedness between the personal and the professional.
Today, we remain the only company with an end-to-end solution for private foundations. It’s exciting to see how Foundation Source will be leveraging this to grow and expand—all while prioritizing service.”
Mary Ann Stover
Sr. Vice President of Foundation Solutions
What was your biggest accomplishment at Foundation Source?
I’m most proud of how I showed up for others at Foundation Source and in our networks over these past 18 years. I believe our relationships matter most, so I have always wanted to be present and available to take the time to listen, think creatively about solutions and lend expertise. Along the way, people did the same for me. Ultimately, this paved the way for me to become the Chief Revenue Officer—a significant accomplishment.
As someone who has seen Foundation Source grow and evolve over the years, what do you think is the most exciting thing about the future of the company?
We came to market 24 years ago with a platform-powered service—a combination of people, talent and new technology. It’s hard to remember how the internet was barely a thing at that time. We had the vision and broke new ground. Today, we remain the only company with an end-to-end solution for private foundations. It’s exciting to see how Foundation Source will be leveraging this to grow and expand—all while prioritizing service.
Thank you, Mary Ann, for your dedication and leadership. We wish you a very happy and relaxing retirement!
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