Welcome to our new issue!
We know you’re busy, so we’ve curated the latest topics, tools and tug-at-your-heart stories that are currently impacting philanthropy—and helping givers get strategic. Enjoy!

Client Spotlight: Diving Into Ocean Conservation
Journey along with the Lee Oceans Foundation as they share their passion to preserve the world’s underwater natural resources for future generations.
Philanthropic Giving Needs a Healthy Dose of Innovation
This Forbes article explores the need for a shift from check-writing to checking off innovation within the philanthropic space.

The Women’s Guide to Giving with Intention
We’ve compiled philanthropic trends, strategies and stories from influential female givers that shine a light on their unique and valuable perspectives.
5 Smart Questions for Giving In Times of Crisis
Worth’s toolkit of questions can help you make sure your giving is going where it is most needed—and where it will go the furthest.

New Infographic: The Truth About Private Foundations
Busted! We’re breaking down the facts about these four common private foundation myths.
New! Managing Risk Kit
Our CLO Jeffrey Haskell details the regulatory landscape and how foundations can educate themselves on the requirements.

New Research: National Center for Family Philanthropy
A recent study by NCFP and researchers found that the collaborative model is necessary for family foundations that wish to achieve generational continuity.
New Tax Proposals Could Change Private Foundation Payout Rules
Our Chief Legal Officer Jeffrey Haskell summarized Greenbook 2024’s two suggested changes to private foundation payout rules that could have far-reaching effects.

How the Next Generation Will Give
New generations are coming in with a fresh perspective on giving—get in front of them with these insights featured in Financial Advisor.
What to Do When Generations Clash Over Philanthropy
You play a pivotal role when it comes to guiding clients on their philanthropic legacy—get some helpful tips from this Think Advisor article.

Advisor Client Meeting Kit
This specialized suite of insights will help you prepare before, during and after meetings with your charitable clients.
Strategic Philanthropy Thought Leadership
This Family Wealth Alliance roundup is a great destination for resources to help you best engage your clients in strategic philanthropy.

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