Brittany Powers
Client Operations Specialist Supervisor
Studied abroad in Bangkok, Thailand and traveled to Vietnam, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Loas, and Singapore
WFH essential: Color-coded desk calendar filled with post-its, drawings, and impeccably neat writing (both print and cursive)
Superpower would be flying – I am constantly running late and could really use the lack of traffic to my advantage

When and why did you join Foundation Source?
I joined Foundation Source as a temporary employee in December 2017 and became a full-time employee on April 1, 2018 (the best and longest April Fool’s joke).
What do you love about working at Foundation Source?
I love my colleagues at Foundation Source. Every day, we come together with various backgrounds and perspectives to serve our clients. It’s amazing to be a part of such a collaborative environment.
What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is grant processing. Every day, I get to process grants to organizations around the world — each with the intention of bettering individuals and communities through education, cancer research, environmental conservation, and so many other areas. It’s very rewarding to be a part of these grants that impact change daily.
What do you look forward to each day?
I look forward to working with my colleagues each day. We get to collaborate on all sorts of projects to assist clients on their philanthropic missions. Creating solutions that allow clients to change the world through their foundations is extremely fulfilling.
Every day, I get to process grants to organizations around the world — each with the intention of bettering individuals and communities through education, cancer research, environmental conservation, and so many other areas. It’s very rewarding to be a part of these grants that impact change daily.”
Brittany Powers
Client Operations Specialist Supervisor
What does your job entail?
As a Client Operations Specialist Supervisor, I am responsible for grant and expense processing for clients, including compliance review and wire processing, and help oversee a team of eight Client Operation Specialists.
What is your team like and what has your experience been with company culture?
I’m part of a team of 17 people who bring a collaborative and innovative approach to our work every day. We are constantly communicating and pitching in to not only complete our work but to continuously push for greater efficiency in our processes. It’s great to be a part of a team that’s devoted to serving our clients with such a focus on teamwork.
What has been your favorite project at Foundation Source?
My favorite project at Foundation Source was a grant cycle that I worked on early in my career for a foundation with a focus on education, the environment and social services. Each grant was wired and as a part of processing these grants, I needed to call and confirm that each charity received the funds. During these calls, I got to speak with the charities and share in their joy over the grant awards. It was so rewarding to celebrate the change that these awards can make in their communities with the very people who will make that change.
What has been your biggest accomplishment since joining Foundation Source?
Every year, the biggest accomplishment is ensuring all of our clients meet their minimum distribution requirement by December 31. We process hundreds of grants every day to meet the MDR deadline. Despite the very large volume of work, everyone works together to ensure we meet our deadline. This includes jumping in and helping with each other’s workloads but also sharing treats, caffeine-motivated memes, and pictures of our furry coworkers. I’m always amazed at what we accomplish together.
How have you grown professionally while on our team?
My role as a Client Services Associate was my first position after graduating college. In the four years that I have been at Foundation Source, I’ve been able to grow my responsibilities with two internal promotions and grow the client base that I work with daily. Today, I am the Client Operations Specialist Supervisor and work with eight Private Client Advisors to support 480 clients on their philanthropic journey. It’s amazing to be a part of so much change.
In your opinion, what makes the Foundation Source team special?
Our team at Foundation Source is special because it’s a team of individuals from all over the country who use their varying perspectives and specialties to help clients change the world. Our team’s work behind the scenes helps clients and the communities they serve shine — it’s a goal that we are all determined to accomplish every day.
What advice would you give to someone who doesn’t know about Foundation Source or may be thinking about joining the team?
At Foundation Source, you will be a part of a team that gets to be at the forefront of philanthropy. No matter what department you work with, you will get to see and be a part of different and innovative projects that support clients’ philanthropy. It is a great place to work with teammates that are focused on making a difference with their work.