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Ellen Rakatansky

Sr. Business Analyst

FS-slashes-white-version-25x I am a professional, classically trained flutist.

FS-slashes-white-version-25x I’ve played with operas and orchestras.

FS-slashes-white-version-25x I love to cook and eat – I’m excellent with soups and pastas!

Ellen Rakatansky

Welcome to another edition of our Featured Friday series where we introduce you to one of our incredible team members! We recently talked to Ellen Rakatansky, sr. business analyst, about her experience at PG Calc, a leading provider of charitable services software, that was acquired by Foundation Source earlier this year. Keep reading to learn what it’s like to work on the product management and development team.

When and why did you join PG Calc?

I joined PG Calc in 1988. I needed a job! I found PG Calc in the phone book.

What do you love about working at PG Calc?

I love working with my clients and colleagues and analyzing data. I also love the flexibility.

What is the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is helping clients, especially looking at profitability and exhaustion risks of gift annuity programs. I am a nerd and I truly like this!

What does your job entail?

I oversee our GiftWrap product. I do so many things! Sometimes I work with our Consulting group.

What is your team like and what has your experience been with company culture?

The Dev team is excellent. I have one employee who works for me: he tests and troubleshoots GiftWrap. He is a savior!

What has been your favorite project at PG Calc?

My favorite project was our big rewrite of GiftWrap to move it to a hosted product. We could fix all the things that we knew were shortcomings and we worked with an excellent outsourcing company.

I look forward to designing GiftWrap product features and working with clients, discussing high-level concepts and analyzing their data. I especially like assessing the profitability of CGA programs and whether they are expected to meet their targets. “

Ellen Rakatansky
Sr. Business Analyst

What has been your biggest accomplishment since joining PG Calc?

My biggest accomplishment at PG Calc has been building the GiftWrap product. One piece of it was working with various State Insurance Commissioners and actuaries.

Have you grown professionally while on our team?

Yes, I have grown professionally. I have worn so many hats!

In your opinion, what makes the PG Calc team special?

The team is special because everyone is hardworking, and we all enjoy serving our clients.

What is a memorable client experience you’ve had or heard about?

There are so many! I love delivering good news to clients that their planned giving programs are strong and profitable.

What advice would you give to someone who doesn’t know about PG Calc or may be thinking about joining the team?

The team is great, and small/medium-sized companies are the best. Also, I love working with our charity clients. It feels worthwhile.

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