Welcome to our new issue!
We’ve dedicated this quarter to helping philanthropists and their professional teams refresh their philanthropy and maximize their impact. Our experts have rounded up the top picks of the latest resources, tools and news stories to help inspire and guide you every step along the way. Enjoy!

Client Spotlight: A Look Back On The Difference Made
We’re celebrating the combined good works of our clients who together gave over $1.5 billion to the causes they care about. Watch this short video to see where their grants went.
The Generosity Barometer: A Snapshot of Foundations’ Grantmaking
Which states received more foundation grant dollars than any other? Find out and get more interesting insights in Philanthropy News Digest.

What’s Your Philanthropic Personality?
Which one of the Seven Faces of Philanthropy are you? Checkout our new infographic to tap into your personal motivations for giving.
How The Ultra Wealthy Deploy Charitable Capital
In an interview with Family Wealth Report, our CEO Sunil Garga, talks about trends in private philanthropy—and what’s driving the upswing year-over-year.

Tech Spotlight: Enhance Your Grant Management Process
Looking to easily build and accept grant applications online? Want to evaluate your giving to inform future granting strategy? Wish you had one place where charities can complete and track the status of their applications, outcome reports and payments? We’ve got you covered!
The Top Ways Foundations Can Create Programs For Their Philanthropy
Our subject matter experts share what foundations can do to set themselves up for success by creating programs that reflect its values and clarify interests to prospective grantees.

Private Foundation vs Donor-Advised Fund
In our latest blog, we provide a quick comparison of these two popular charitable vehicles. See which one may be best for you.
Philanthropy Trends to Watch in 2023
From moving past metrics to searching for stability, Forbes explores some current trends affecting the charitable sector, and how they may impact giving this year.

Advisor Series: Check out our Collection specifically for Advisors.
Private Foundations Unlock Philanthropic Potential Over Generations
Our CMO Hannah Shaw Grove shares 5 important benefits of private foundations for maximizing your HNW clients’ charitable giving in Wealth Management’s 2023 Market Outlook.

Refresh the Conversation: Know Your Clients’ Motivations
Our new resource summarizes the major donor segments and answers the most common questions your clients are likely to ask about organizing their charitable giving.
4 Common Mistakes In Charitable Giving Conversations
From leading with tax benefits to waiting for the giving season, this latest article in Financial Advisor is a must-read for advisors having philanthropic discussions with wealthy clients.

2022 Client Survey Results
We asked our private foundation clients how they approached giving in 2022 and where they see it going next. Here’s an interesting breakdown of the results.
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