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An annual check-up is a good idea for every person and the same is true for private foundations. But what does this list look like? Our experts created this kit of valuable resources and insights for private foundations to use at least once a year. Use this checklist to help you keep track of your progress.

1. Review Your Mission Goals and Historical Giving


Guidelines for Crafting a Private Foundation’s Mission Statement

| White Papers
While mission-driven philanthropy is optional for foundations, it’s most effective when it evolves over time. Use this resource to learn about best practices.

Reimagining Philanthropy for the 21st Century – Replay

| On-Demand Webinars, Videos
Aligning your mission to nonprofit partnership best practices can be tricky. Watch this webinar to get tips from experts at Trust-Based Philanthropy and Modern Grantmaking.

2. Review Your Grantmaking Portfolio For Balance


Charity Search in Impactfully Select

| Product Briefs
How is your foundation finding the organizations you make grants to? See how Impactfully Select makes it easier than ever to find the right fit.
Adapting Your Grant Approach Series: Tips for Funding Returning Grantees

Adapting Your Grant Approach Series: Tips for Funding Returning Grantees

| Blog
If you plan to repeatedly support certain organizations, here are some changes to consider making to your funding application process for returning grantees.

Adapting Your Grant Approach: Tips for Giving to Different Types of Organizations

| Blog
When making grants to various organizations, one size doesn’t fit all. Checkout our blog series, starting with best practices for giving to large institutions.

3. Review Your Foundation’s Grantmaking Personality


What’s Your Philanthropic Personality?

| Infographics
By understanding the root of your personal motivations, you can identify the right grantee partners.

Why Philanthropic Motivation Matters

| Blog
Understand the primary reasons that philanthropists give and how this frames your foundation’s goals.

What Type of Funder Are You?

Take our short quiz to find out and learn about 7 different approaches to giving.


4. Review Your Foundation’s Operations


Foundation Operations Worksheet

| Checklists
Bring your team together and create an operational map to get you started on the path to maximizing your efforts and increasing your philanthropic impact.

How to Manage Members and Permission Levels | Impactfully

| Demo
Watch a demo of how to manage members and permission levels with Impactfully.

5. Review Your Foundation’s Technology


Is Your Tech Stack Undermining Your Philanthropic Impact?

| Checklists
Are you using right-sized technology that is purpose-built for your foundation needs? Take this quick assessment to find out.
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