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It’s a new year and a perfect time to take stock of your philanthropy and charitable activities. As you look at giving through fresh eyes, ask yourself – what is really needed and am I able to react to it? It may be time to consider adding structure to your giving through a charitable vehicle like a private foundation, which affords donors the widest array of philanthropic tools. Or, if you already have a foundation, there are likely beneficial giving options that you haven’t explored yet. For inspiration, we put together 10 Ways You Can Get Creative with Your Foundation.

#1 Give a Grant

Support someone touched by tragedy.

#2 Try “Hands-Dirty” Philanthropy

Use your connections, capabilities and capital to solve a problem.

#3 Provide a Loan to a Charity

The proceeds from the loan repayment can be used to make more investments.

#4 Give a Loan Guarantee

Get your charity of choice far better loan terms.

#5 Make an Equity Investment

Invest in an endeavor that aligns with your vision.

#6 Grants Around the Globe

There are many ways to give grants to overseas charities.

#7 Pass Out Prizes & Awards

Drive progress in your industry with enticing prizes.

#8 Pay Program Expenses

Research and education are important (and eligible) expenses.

#9 Make Set-Asides

With IRS approval, a private foundation can set aside funds to build up the reserves needed for a future project.

#10 Consider Impact Investing

Align your investments with your mission while pursuing financial returns.

Ready to learn more about setting up a foundation? Check out our complete resource 10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Your Foundation.

Want to talk to a philanthropic specialist?
Schedule a call with us here or reach us at 800-839-0054. Together, let’s #begiving.

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